Bischof Dr. Gebhard Fürst: Brief an Alfred C. Hughes, Erzbischof von New Orleans 2005

Most Reverend Archbishop Alfred C. Hughes
Dear Brother in Christ,

The terrible pictures of the disaster that struck the gulf area and your Archdiocese have been a big shock to me and all Christians in the Diocese of Rottenburg-Stuttgart. We feel a deep compassion for those who lost members of their family or friends. The grief and the suffering the people have to go through with will not easily be forgotten. The material and ideal losses are a heavy burden. That is why you and your staff members will need a lot of strength to comfort and give relief to your people.

I would like to ensure you that even thousands of miles away in Germany, in the Diocese of Rottenburg-Stuttgart, we think of you and pray for you. In addition I would like to offer you concrete help. I will call upon Catholic believers in my diocese to make a contribution to Caritas International. Besides this, is there anything in particular, where we might be able to support you? Is there a certain diocesan institution, which might benefit from a collection in our parishes? Is there any wish we might be able to fulfil while your diocese is going through this misery?

We want you to know, you are not forgotten by us.

I wish you that you will be able to pass on the comfort, which God gives to us.

Best regards and the blessing of our Lord Jesus Christ

Sincerely yours,

Gebhard Fürst, Bishop
Bishop of the Diocese Rottenburg-Stuttgart

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